Ultraviolet is the invisible to humans electromagnetic waves of 100 to 400 nanometers in length that is emitted by the sun.

long-wave from 400 nm to 315 nm
In 97% they penetrate the Earth’s atmosphere. They are responsible for photochemical processes and pigmentation. They are the least harmful, but they cause the effect of faster skin aging.

medium wave from 315 nm to 280 nm

short-wave from 280 nm to 100 nm
How works UV-C?
The bactericidal mechanism of UV-C waves involves the absorption of energy of UV-C rays by nucleic acids and cytoplasmic proteins, which in turn leads to a change in the structure of the microorganism’s DNA.
The change leads to a chemical reaction which results makes the harmful pathogen to be destroyed.

A sufficiently high dose of UV-C effectively kills pathogens only.

Power of 253,7 nm
In RHODE sterilizers, the source of UV-C waves are low-pressure mercury emitters emitting waves of precisely selected length – 253.7 nm, which show the highest bactericidal effect.
A bactericidal effect-wave UV-C from 250 to 270 nm
A nucleic acid absorption curve
An Operating range of RHODE sterilizers emitting waves with the highest efficiency of 253.7 nm

The UV-C sterilization devices are divided into direct action lamps and flow sterilizers
Direction action simply design

In direct-acting lamps, the UV-C radiator directly illuminates the entire room. UV-C rays destroy microbes found on surfaces and floating in the air.
Single function RHODE UVC flow sterilizers

In RHODE UVC flow sterilizers, air disinfection takes place in a closed chamber that prevents light from penetrating outside of the cover.
Thanks to the exceptionally high power of its radiators, RHODE UVC destroys all microorganisms in the air.
Dual-function RHODE UVC flow sterilizers

This sterilizer model is equipped with one or two additional external direct action lamps, which ensures the full range of room disinfection.
During the presence of people in the room, sterilization takes place inside the chamber of the device. When people are outside, a lamp that directly illuminates the room is turned on. Both systems can work simultaneously, which measurably increases the effectiveness of sterilization.
During operation of the RHODE UVC sterilizer, there is no exposure of people staying in the room to the UV-C emitted inside the device.
Dual-function RHODE UVC sterilizers with a power of up to 275 W effectively destroy all microorganisms, both those that settled on the surface and those floating in the air.
Direction action simply design

In direct-acting lamps, the UV-C radiator directly illuminates the entire room. UV-C rays destroy microbes found on surfaces and floating in the air.
Because UV-C waves are dangerous to human health, this type of lamp can work only when nobody is in the sterilized room.
Single function RHODE UVC flow sterilizers

In RHODE UVC flow sterilizers, air disinfection takes place in a closed chamber that prevents light from penetrating outside of the cover.
Thanks to the exceptionally high power of its radiators, RHODE UVC destroys all microorganisms in the air.
During operation of the RHODE UVC sterilizer, there is no exposure of people staying in the room to the UV-C emitted inside the device.
Dual-function RHODE UVC flow sterilizers

This sterilizer model is equipped with one or two additional external direct action lamps, which ensures the full range of room disinfection.
During the presence of people in the room, sterilization takes place inside the chamber of the device. When people are outside, a lamp that directly illuminates the room is turned on. Both systems can work simultaneously, which measurably increases the effectiveness of sterilization.
Dual-function RHODE UVC sterilizers with a power of up to 275 W effectively destroy all microorganisms, both those that settled on the surface and those floating in the air.
You will get the best results with dual-function RHODE UVC sterilizers with the maximum high radiation power.